Using docker

The fastest was to get a local installation is by using docker and docker-compose


Assuming you have docker and docker-compose installed.

$ git clone
$ cd combat-tb-neodb
$ docker-compose up --build -d

Once the server is running, visit http://localhost:7474. You shall see the following guide to get you familiar with the database.



Download and extract the latest release of Neo4j from the Neo4j Download Center and follow the relevant installation instructions from the operators manual.

cd into Neo4j directory:

$ cd ~/Downloads/neo4j-community-3.5.4

Download the NeoDB browser guide and configure Neo4j accordingly:

$ pwd
# $HOME/Downloads/neo4j-community-3.5.4
$ wget \
-P data/guides/ \
&& echo '' >> conf/neo4j.conf \
&& echo 'dbms.allow_upgrade=true' >> conf/neo4j.conf \
&& echo '*,algo.*' >> conf/neo4j.conf \
&& echo '*, algo.*' >> conf/neo4j.conf \
&& echo 'dbms.unmanaged_extension_classes=extension.web=/guides' >> conf/neo4j.conf \
&& echo '' >> conf/neo4j.conf \
&& echo 'browser.post_connect_cmd=config; play http://localhost:7474/guides/combattb_neodb.html' >> conf/neo4j.conf \
&& echo 'browser.remote_content_hostname_whitelist=*' >> conf/neo4j.conf

Download and extract the Combat-TB-NeoDB:

$ pwd
# $HOME/Downloads/neo4j-community-3.5.4
$ wget "" \
    -O neodb_db_data.tar.bz2
$ tar -xjvf neodb_db_data.tar.bz2
$ cp -R databases/ data/

Download the APOC Procedures and Graph Algorithms binary jars, and place then in the $NEO4J_HOME/plugins folder:

$ pwd
# $HOME/Downloads/neo4j-community-3.5.4
$ export NEO4J_CONTRIB=""
$ wget "${NEO4J_CONTRIB}/neo4j-graph-algorithms/releases/download/" -P plugins/ \
  && wget "${NEO4J_CONTRIB}/neo4j-apoc-procedures/releases/download/" -P plugins/

Run Neo4j as a background process:

$ pwd
# $HOME/Downloads/neo4j-community-3.5.4
$ bin/neo4j start

and visit http://localhost:7474.